Monday, November 30, 2015

The Search Is On

"Do not store up for yourselves the treasures on earth...For where your treasure is, there your heart will be." Matthew 6:19-21

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe

     This week while visiting my family in Denver we were fortunate to look at four venues. These were beautiful places that enticed the inner designer in me, and made my mind fill with visions of what these places could transform into. The fun part was that the places were all completely opposite from the other, so we could really get the feel of where we saw ourselves saying, "I do!"

V e n u e s 

Villa Parker

     The first venue had a Tuscan feel, intimate spaces, and friendly staff. I loved a lot of what this venue could offer for our day; the main space has wooden floors, venetian plastered walls, wooden beams, sky lights, and french doors. The main room would be used for the ceremony as well as the reception; off this main room is the bridal suite in one direction, and a living room like "cocktail hour" space equipped with a bar and fire place. One thing that we liked about the Villa is that we would not have to do a lot of renting for decorating the spaces, because they included beautiful items in the base rental, but of course all of their packages do require some rentals. 

Villa Parker
Villa Parker


Cielo at Castle Pines

     The second venue we visited was incredible in a completely different way. The drive up is through the woods and gives you that true "Colorado vibe" while traveling. Once you enter the venue you are greeted by enormous wooden doors the take you into a ball room with an impressive fireplace, dancing floor, and a grand staircase that leads up to the bridal suite. The outdoor patio has a stone gazebo and waterfall that almost makes you want to plan an outdoor wedding in December haha! Like Villa Parker the venue requires packages that you would have to purchase on top of renting the venue, but unlike the Villa Cielo would require more renting for decor and logistics. We ultimately felt that this venue would be too large for our wedding party but recommend the space for those looking!!!

Cielo at Castle Pines

Cielo at Castle Pines

     These two venues made me really start to think about what we wanted for our wedding. I honestly did not expect the types of things that were not listed under the "included" package for venues that we would have to rent separately. I also did not know that a lot of places have "preferred vendors" so to those of you who are looking at venues be very careful with what you are signing onto and ask lots of questions. These vendors include everything from barware to DJs... in my opinion this goes against what most of the places kept saying was their key charm, to "offer a completely customized wedding for each couple." It might just be me, but telling me who I must use does not seem like I get to choose what happens on my wedding day...!

Anyways :)

Moss Denver

     On Saturday we were able to visit Moss, a new venue that is making its way into Denver's wedding market. The venue is still under construction but the owner allowed us to come and view the space! The space was a mix between traditional elegance and industrial- super cool and I totally saw all the possibilities! The brickwork and availability to rent their handmade tables and chairs instantly appealed to me. We definitely are keeping this as a consideration!


     We also went and "checked out" a few places without reservations hehe! We did a little reconnaissance so that next week my mom could go speak with the representatives at the places we thought were worth looking at. We found two other places that we really liked and feel that we could see ourselves getting married at, these were the Barn at Raccoon Creek and Hudson Gardens. The great part about getting to go view these venues during this break was that we got to see what our day would look like weather wise most likely :)

     While going through the process it has made me feel that it is very easy to get off track on what is important in your wedding day. This day is supposed to be the start a marriage, not the start of multiple credit card payments... I have been very fortunate that my parents are willing to give Zack and I a beautiful wedding, but I am making it a point to only have things that are needed to make our day special not needed because it would take it a step up in the realm of weddings.

     That also being said we were horrified in some of the rates for the day that we had our minds set around so that will no longer be our day... so glad I didn't make it officially known to anyone! I do not mean to offend anyone who works in or around the wedding industry but I am officially peeved at what this has come to be... this will be all I say in writing but will be happy to step on my soap box for anyone who would like to chat!

F a m i l y + T h a n k f u l n e s s

     With this being Thanksgiving week, and being thankful and grateful are things you are supposed to be reflecting on, I want to take a second and make known what I am grateful for. Most importantly this week we got to spend time with my unbelievably wonderful and generous parents. Zack and I are so thankful for your giving and blessings for us both that we still do not have the words...! We also got to spend four days with my sister and her boyfriend Blaine who made the trip full of laughs and hugs! The four of us spent Thanksgiving helping Henley finish projects, watching football, and drinking wine! :)

     I have been reminded multiple times throughout these first few steps of our wedding planning of how lucky I am. I am grateful for my parents who have reminded Zack and I that this is about us and what we truly want. This is not always the case with parents, especially mother-of-the-bride and bride around this time in their life. These two people are amazing and I am blessed to have them as my parents. I am also grateful for a blessing I received 21 years ago that turned into a best friend, and now a beautiful Maid of Honor! Henley agreed to help me marry my man next year and we both could not be happier-- Zack even tried to steal her for his best man but I beat him to her haha!!

     I also have received the unwavering love from my fiancĂ©, even when I thought that he was not paying attention. He keeps me true to myself and what is important to us, and does not let my brain stray too far down the daunting path of spreadsheets and cost of the world. I am also thankful for the wonderful family that I get to soon marry into. My future in laws (truly second parents) are the best; I honestly am the luckiest person to have found someone who I love, and who I also love their family as much as my own. I have never felt that I was an outsider and am grateful that the stories that I have always heard about "once you become the daughter-in-law that you become the enemy" remain just that. Stories. And I am so fortunate that I have the exact opposite! At the end of the day I get to remember how blessed I am and that God has  answered my prayers beyond measure! :) 

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