Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Tears

     *THANK YOU*

     The days following our engagement have been some of my happiest days and I hope to say the same for Zack! We spent all day, and I mean ALL day, Sunday calling family and close friends to tell them of our engagement "in person." We were congratulated and received so much love it was almost overwhelming; my favorite conversations included those that spent time reliving days that people felt were special, that were also a special part of in our relationship.

     Monday, November 16, 2015 Zack and I decided that it was time to tell the rest of the world. I can honestly say I never imagined the response we received and that Zack and I were beyond humbled, thank you to everyone!

     The only "downside" to this whole week was that I had to give my ring back Monday morning at 10 am; this was so that it could be resized by the time we left for my parent's house on Tuesday the 24th. At the risk of sounding like "that girl"I will tell you that the days without it on my finger were probably the hardest few days, especially to stay focused at work! It is hard to explain the weird feeling, it was like my hand instantly recognized something was missing even though I have worn a ring on my ring finger for years! Luckily my ring came in early and it is back on my finger where it belongs :)

Celebrations with Friends 

     We have loved going to celebrate with those who have asked us to join them for dinner or drinks! We first went out with some amazing friends of ours, Rosalyn + Christian, the night after we decided on our forever. We have claimed these two in the last year and are never letting go. :) This was a very fun evening talking about our "plans" for our big day and hearing some marriage advice of course! These two have been married for almost 3 years and you can truly see how they feel about each other, which is so inspiring while planning a wedding. Rosalyn and I met at work so naturally we are in constant talks about plans and all that I need to do; Ros + Christian recently had a big wedding to celebrate with family and friends that were not at their private ceremony, so she is a gem to have for questions! I have also absolutely loved gushing with my girl friends at work like any bride-to-be would do!

     Actually, I did not even tell anyone I work with when I walked in on Monday, hehe, I wanted to wait and see how long it took until someone noticed. Four people came and talked to me without noticing until Mika and Katie, who somehow had a feeling that I was getting engaged, came straight over looking at my left hand. I have no idea how those two guessed when I was completely in the dark!!! Katie's birthday was actually Saturday and she said it was her birthday wish, we can all go, "Awwww" in unison now :) She texted me Saturday night and Sunday morning asking how our date was, and everything except straight out asking if we were engaged- naturally I ignored her so that they could know in person. My whole interior team even signed a beautiful card for us that touched my heart forever!

     On Friday we were invited over to have a cook out celebration at Mindy + Lukas' house. I have known Mindy for 11 years and we have been best friends for about 10 1/2 of those; Lukas came into the picture our senior year when they started dating. Three years later they were married and Zack and I were invited to be a part of their special day! :) Mindy was the first person I called on Sunday morning, her response can not be typed with enough expression so I will leave it in our hearts! They invited us the their house to come, celebrate, and enjoy ourselves without being rushed. They also asked us to bring our pup, Sir, too so he could have a play date with their two, Jenna + Valor. Needless to say it was a wonderful evening!

     Saturday night Zack's friends Anthony, Kristin, Emily + Sarah, that he has met through his graduate school invited us to go have drinks and hear all about how the first week of engagement. The girls were more interested in my left hand and knowing all about how he asked! All of the girls sat there with intent looks on their faces, while Zack sat there half smirking about how everything unfolded and the other half hoping that Anthony showed up soon so that the testosterone level would raise at the table! haha After we had our fill of chips, queso, fajitas, and tequila we all parted so that everyone could get up for school the next morning.

                          *  Needless to say we have not started the Wedding diets yet ;)  *

We have truly had a magical first week and are looking forward to the next 58!! :)

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